Minggu, 08 September 2013

Give a brief explanations about their policy and invention for each oh them:

Herman William Daendels
Thomas Stamford Raffles
 Van Den Bosch
Conrad Theodore van Deventer
Van der Cappellen
 Willem Janssen

Herman William Daendels

Strengthen Military Defense Defense sector is a major problem faced by Daendels . Not surprisingly, these measures affect other policies . Daendels faced with the major problem is the weakness of the armed forces and the defense of Java against the British attack.Therefore Daendels made ​​two urgent policy to strengthen the defense Dutch East Indies

source : http://garduopini.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/gubernur-jenderal-herman-willem-daendels-1808-1811-_-bagian-pertama/

Thomas Stamford Raffles
Java divides the land into 16 residency
Reducing regents ruling ( Raffles , 2008)
Regent lifted a salaried civil servants
Practicing in court as the jury system in the UK
Prohibits slavery , build a government center in Bogor Palace ( Anam 's Gus , 2010 blog )
Abolished the Sultanate of Banten , Cirebon Sultanate 's sovereignty should be handed over to the British colonial ( Raffles , 2008) .
source : http://sejarah.kompasiana.com/2011/05/31/sib-masa-kepemimpinan-raffles-369262.html



Van Den Bosch

Farmers are required to plant export crops , with prices Dutch authorities established





 monopoly of trade , cultivation , and forced labor




Conrad Theodore van Deventer

monopoly of trade , cultivation , and forced labor





 Van der Cappellen

in 1823 made ​​a policy to stop and remove misappropriation of private land in Central Java .The policy is detrimental to the indigenous aristocracy , because they have to pay damages and the rent to be paid on employers Europe and China .This is one factor contributing to the emergence of insurgency the nobles in Central Java .



Willem Janssen

He began his term in a precarious condition . Many soldiers Daendels remains incompetent to be a soldier.so he easily defeated British and forced to surrender on 18 September 1811 to Thomas Stamford Raffles in Tuntang capitulation .


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